Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Emily and Curtis

This session I did a couple months ago, but with catching up on blogging, I wanted to post them since they are getting married this Saturday. Emily and Curtis were so much fun and up for whatever I suggested. Emily wanted to go somewhere that had lots of weeds and just a different feel than the beach. And I was thrilled when we got there and were walking around and she turns to me and says "this is exactly... what I was hoping for!" Yeah!!!

They also brought their awesome dog along that they nicknamed monkey... you'll see why below. She crawls up everything, even jumped into a tree at the end.

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You would never even know that there were ants lurking.... They sat down and spotted ants very close by. But again, beautiful smiles and you'd never even know.
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As we were getting ready to head back to the car, both Curtis and I saw this spot and they were troopers to hike back in there. But it totally... paid off. Even caught some glare...
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Thanks Curtis and Emily... you guys ROCK!! I'm so.. excited for your wedding and thanks for a wonderful shoot!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Welcome Charlie Rush....

I have been terrible at this blogging thing, as you can see..... so with the advice and encouragement of my friend Karey, I'm just going to blog from my most recent shoot and then work backwards... Whole new blogging concept, right? If I don't, I'm afraid I'll never blog.

So... Announcing Charlie Rush....

Such an adorable little guy and his parents are incredible! They were referred to me by one of my past brides, whom I hear is pregnant as well.... And we had a blast. There were just so many amazing shots it was truly hard to pick just these... but I had to stop.


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These next couple of shots are some of my favorite, "real moments". They were talking to their baby and he was really quite attentive at his young age...
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When I saw his nursery I spotted this guy and said we should try to "fit" Charlie into it. Their eyes lit up and here's what we got. Of course Mom and Dad are just out of range to catch him should he roll.... but it was worth it!
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.... and every time I see this one, I keep yawning... soooo cute!
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This is one of my absolute favs. I love how babies sleep!
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And... this is my new favorite foot shot! I love shooting baby feet, and this rocks!
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... this sums up the whole feel for our shoot
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Thanks Rush family. I had the most fun with you for a couple hours and could've kept shooting forever. Can't wait to see you again and thank you for inviting me into your lives to capture little Charlie.